Newspaperless experiment

09 December 2010
We've decided to stop buying Sunday papers for a while. We end up with huge stacks to haul to the recycle station in the next county. (Our county has no recycling program as yet). And, despite our good intentions, the unused/expired coupons don't regularly get sent to our military families.

So far, it's been working out better than we hoped. 'Buying' the coupons online reduces waste and makes it much easier/cheaper for us to stock up on items we use often. Example: we 'bought' 12 Idahoan coupons for a total, including shipping, of $2.07. Using the coupons during a BOGO, we got 24 FREE packages! This was a $30 value, so we're actually $27.93 ahead! Yes, we're thinking this experiment is going to be a monumental success. the pantry is filling up nicely and the grocery account is still in the black. Momma's happy! 8-]


About Me

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I'm a native-born Florida Cracker, graduated Christian home schooling mom/teacher, jill of all trades and mistress of none. Rising prices and dwindling assets pushed me over the edge from casual to extreme couponing. In the first quarter of 2010, we cut our grocery budget from $1600+/- to $300! I always thought all those 'coupon queen' stories weren't for average people like me. Was I ever wrong! Just jump in and start clipping. Check out some of the super savers in my blog list. Honestly, I know you've heard this before, but REALLY, if I can do it, ANYBODY can!