Living in the pantry

17 March 2010
It isn't that we have forgotten this blog. We just haven't been shopping. For the past two weeks, our list has been limited to bread, butter and milk. Over $800 in auto repairs hit our grocery budget where it counts. Praise God we had a fairly nice litte stockpile to tide us over. Funny, we're feeling a bit like a fish out of water. We'd quite gotten used to couponing as a daily habit. It'll be almost like starting over when our monthly payday finally rolls 'round again. Meanwhile, we'll be keeping our eyes open for deals to share, so don't give up on us.

Have a JESUS-filled day! ^i^


About Me

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I'm a native-born Florida Cracker, graduated Christian home schooling mom/teacher, jill of all trades and mistress of none. Rising prices and dwindling assets pushed me over the edge from casual to extreme couponing. In the first quarter of 2010, we cut our grocery budget from $1600+/- to $300! I always thought all those 'coupon queen' stories weren't for average people like me. Was I ever wrong! Just jump in and start clipping. Check out some of the super savers in my blog list. Honestly, I know you've heard this before, but REALLY, if I can do it, ANYBODY can!