You're invited!

06 March 2010
We have recently learned that several dear friends are in danger of losing their homes. In these lean economic days, it seems no one is immune to loss or reduction of income. No one is guaranteed a roof over his head tomorrow. At first, we felt helpless to do more than offer a sympathetic shoulder. But we were not happy with such inadequate response. So we have created a new blog called Virtual Rent Party. We hope that this concept will spread throughout the blogging community and that many homes will be saved through community effort.

This initial effort is aimed specifically toward our immediate acquaintances and all donations, less PayPal fees, will go directly toward those rent/mortgage payments. Once their crisis has been resolved, we hope that someone else will request a rent party. Be assured that donations will be dispersed only to those truly in need of a hand up, not a hand out.

When we told the original rent party hosts about this blog, they were at a bit of a loss for words. But they did pledge to pass along the blessings at the next party.

We hope you will accept our invitation to the first virtual rent party. Be sure to invite your family and friends. We have a 'round-the-clock DJ and plenty of room to dance.


About Me

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I'm a native-born Florida Cracker, graduated Christian home schooling mom/teacher, jill of all trades and mistress of none. Rising prices and dwindling assets pushed me over the edge from casual to extreme couponing. In the first quarter of 2010, we cut our grocery budget from $1600+/- to $300! I always thought all those 'coupon queen' stories weren't for average people like me. Was I ever wrong! Just jump in and start clipping. Check out some of the super savers in my blog list. Honestly, I know you've heard this before, but REALLY, if I can do it, ANYBODY can!